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The NRF Foundation's RISE Up introductory course – Retail Industry Fundamentals – will help you develop workplace readiness skills and look for a first job.

You will develop basic customer service skills and math skills to conduct sales transactions. You will build an understanding of the retail industry, its impact on the economy and the diverse jobs available. And you will learn best practices for interviewing and exploring career paths.

Our online course takes just five to seven hours to complete and you can use any computer or tablet. Our dynamic curriculum includes videos, interactive exercises and self-check quizzes. You can work at your own pace to complete the training.

At the end, you’ll receive a printable completion certificate, digital badge and a credential you can list on your resume, showing you are ready for jobs that are in high demand right now.

Enroll in a RISE Up training course today.

Retail Industry Fundamentals


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Key Concepts

Key Concepts


Welcome to Retail

What is Retail?
Multichannel and Omnichannel Retailing
Distribution Channels and Retail Ownership
The Economic Impact of Retail

The Retail Product Cycle
Product and Service Selection
Product Allocation and Distribution
Selling, Pricing and Customer Service


Customer Service & Sales

Customer Service Skills
Retail Associates and Company Brand
The Customer Loyalty Life Cycle
Retail and Technology

Sales Basics
Connecting with the Customer
Understanding Customer Needs and Interests
Personalizing Service and Completing the Sale


Welcome to Retail

Retail Operations Basics
Inventory, Marketing, Technology & Tools
Retail Stores, Grocery Stores, Fast Food Restaurants
Distribution Centers

Loss Prevention
Internal & External Theft
Operational Errors
Vendor Fraud

Workplace Safety
Common Safety Problems
First Aid
Emergency Situations

Dollars and Sense
Gross Profit vs. Net Profit
Profit Margin
Operating Expenses vs. Cost of Goods Sold


Workplace Readiness

Being Professional
Professional Look and Employability
Effective Communication and Accountability
Technology and Time Management

A Place for You
RISE Up and the Retail Industry
Entry-Level Retail Jobs: Goals and Expectations
Online Job Applications and Succeeding in Interviews

These concepts offer a general overview of the content areas covered in the Supply Chain, Inventory & Logistics curriculum. They are not an exhaustive list of the content or its learning objectives but serve to categorize the curriculum for each module.

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