NRF Foundation Student Program | Schedule


Talks and Tours 2024
Tours and Talks

Thursday Jan. 9

This event is for RCC sponsors only

Host select students in your NYC offices, stores and more. Take the students behind-the- scenes where they can meet your team and learn about the careers at your company. Descriptions and sign-up links will be posted to the NRF Foundation website. The NRF Foundation team suggests hosting Tour and Talks in the afternoon as the majority of students arrive Thursday morning. Retailers are in charge of all communications with the students and are responsible for notifying students if they are selected, details of the tour itself, reminders, etc.

The following information needs to be submitted via this form:

  • Name
  • Date & Time
  • Location
  • Description
  • Audience (i.e. open to all, just juniors, just seniors, etc.)
  • Sign Up Link
  • Sign Up Deadline
  • Timeline of when students will receive confirmation of attendance
  • Max Capacity   


Adam Lukoskie speaks on stage during the Student Program 2024
Main Stage Sessions

Date: Friday Jan. 10  |  9:30 AM - 5:20 PM

Location: Marriott Marquis Times Square - Broadway Ballroom

Learn more about main stage speakers and sessions.

See photos from the Main Stage sessions

A representative from Best Buy speaks at the Future of Retail breakout session
The Future of Retail: Integrating Technology and Supply Chain Solutions

Date: Friday Jan. 10  |  1:00 PM- 4:20 PM

Location: Marriott Marquis Times Square - Westside Ballroom 5th Floor

This event is for RCC sponsors only

Go deeper with our Technology and Supply Chain Students in a smaller breakout session with speaking and networking opportunities. If you are participating in this event, you will receive updates and communications directly from the NRF Foundation team.

The Future of Retail: Integrating Technology and Supply Chain Solutions

Presented by BestBuy

See photos from the Future of Retail sessions

Guests of the Recruiter Networking Reception shake hands
Recruiter Networking Reception

Date: Friday Jan. 10  |  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Marriott Marquis Times Square – 9th Floor Terrace

Join us and fellow recruiters at the first ever NRF Foundation Recruiter Networking Reception. Drinks and passed hors d’oeuvres will be provided. Please indicate in the form how many guests from your company you anticipate attending.

See photos from the Recruiter Networking Reception


Student Program 2024 Attendees watch the programming
Morning Keynote

The Power of Mentorship

Date: Saturday, Jan. 11  |  8:00AM – 8:40AM

NRF Student Program Speaker Laura Felice
NRF Student Program Speaker Ann Sattin

Laura Felice – BJ's Wholesale Club EVP, Chief Financial Officer

Ann Sattin – American Express National Client Group Vice President and General Manager

A representative from Target shares her retail career experiences and wisdom.
Executive Mentor Experience

Presented by American Express

Date: Saturday, Jan. 11  |  8:40AM – 11:00AM

Location: Broadway Ballroom (6th floor), Marriott Marquis, NYC

On site POC: Samantha LaManna (703-964-6540)

The Executive Mentor Experience (EME), presented by American Express, was developed to offer college students the opportunity to connect with executives in the industry in small groups. We hope they will leave the Experience with a broad understanding of the different roles and careers in retail and receive valuable career advice which will help hone their soft skills for their first jobs out of school. EME is a unique networking experience for both students and mentors and provides the opportunity for executives to give back to the next generation of retail leaders by sharing insights, making connections and answering questions that students have about our industry.

Learn more about the Executive Mentor Experience


Mentors should arrive at the Marriott Marquis no later than 8:15 a.m. to check in at the registration desk outside the Broadway Ballroom. The Foundation team will have all mentor badges at the check in table outside the ballroom, so your mentors do not need to go to the registration counters to pick up their badges.


We have hired a professional facilitator, Matt Meuleners of FOCUS Training, who has extensive experience working with students and facilitating discussions like this. Matt will guide everyone through the experience, prompting the roundtable questions between each mentor rotation. Annalea and the facilitator will speak with the mentors briefly as well before they enter the ballroom.


We will have six questions, and each question round will last approximately 15 minutes. Mentors will be given a card that details the tables they will visit. Students will remain at their same tables, and mentors will rotate to 6 different tables. Each question is designed to kick off the conversation. Mentors should make sure they leave time for students to ask questions and share their insights as well. Questions will be shared with mentors ahead of time via email. Mentors are encouraged to bring business cards if they are comfortable sharing their contact information with the students they meet. The students will also have the opportunity to write thank you notes to the mentors they meet, which we will collect and send to the mentors after the event takes place.

See photos from the Executive Mentor Experience

During the Student Program 2024, a Best Buy representative speaks during a panel discussion.
Educator Meeting

Date: Saturday Jan. 11  |  8:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Location: Marriott Marquis Times Square – Astor Ballroom 7th floor

Educators will gather on Saturday morning for a meeting specifically geared towards their interests and priorities as it relates to helping students navigate career options. The meeting will begin with a networking breakfast between retail recruiters and educators from 8am - 9am.

See photos from the Educator Meeting

At the Student Program 2024 Career Fair, a UNIQLO recruiter speaks to an attendee
Career Fair

Date: Saturday, Jan. 11  |  11:30AM – 3:00PM

Location: Westside Ballroom, 5th floor, Marriott Marquis Times Square, 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036

Setup Time: Doors will be open starting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday
There will be an onsite photographer taking photos of all career fair booths starting at 11:00 a.m. Please ensure your booth is photo ready by then.

Schedule: Juniors & seniors first access: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
All students: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

What to bring

Each career fair spot will have one 6'x2' table. We will send out a career fair map in December with each retailer assigned to a spot.

We suggest bringing the following to enhance your area:

  • Pop-up signage or roll-up banners (appropriate for a table-top display and backdrops)
  • Brochures or other collateral about your college hiring programs (internships, entry-level job openings)
  • Branded tablecloth (if you have something to go over the table)
  • Branded giveaways for students – we will be giving each student a bag when they enter the career fair that they can use to pick up swag from each company. Please bring as much swag as you would like to that students can take with them!

If you need electrical for your career fair area, you have the option to let us know via this form sent to collect your deliverables ahead of the event.

For shipping information please click here.

See photos from the Career Fair


Get Hired 2024
Get Hired

Date: Sunday, Jan. 12  |  8:00AM – 12:00PM

Location: Westside Ballroom (5th floor), Marriott Marquis

On site POC: Annalea Soudry-Maurer (561-602-0082)

This event is for RCC and Gold sponsors only

Recruiters – plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your first scheduled interview.

Get Hired presents the opportunity for you to hold on site interviews with students that you met at the Career Fair on Saturday. RCCs can have up to 6 interview tables and Gold sponsors can have up to 4 tables.

Tables will be 6x2 with two chairs on one side and one chair on the other and will be spread out across the four divided rooms that make up the Westside Ballroom on the 5th floor. We will assign your company’s tables together and inform you of the specific section you are in prior to the event.

Your team is responsible for setting the interview schedule and sending it to Annalea via email before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. Your team is also responsible for contacting the students and inviting them to interview with you, including the specific time and location. The NRF Foundation team will check students in, and your team members are responsible for greeting them and taking them to your table when it is their assigned interview time.