NRF Foundation Student Program Quick Guide | Deadlines & Deliverables

New York City aerial view

Deadlines & Deliverables

Sponsor Deliverables and Deadlines

  • Tours & Talks – RCC ONLY

    Please submit your event details (sign-up link, capacity, specific audience details, location)

    Submit details

  • Main on site POC

    All companies submit their on-site main POC for the Career Fair (name, title, email, phone number)

    Submit details

    Career Fair table locations and electrical

    Submit top 2 career fair table locations and electrical needs

    Submit detailsSee map

    Submit job opportunities

    Get Hired – RCC and GOLD ONLY

    Submit number of interview tables needed (check sponsorship agreement for details)

    Submit details

  • Registration

    Please send the completed sponsor registration form via email to Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta. This will include speakers, complimentary pass assignment for Big Show (RCC and Gold only), Executive Mentor Experience mentors, and anyone else attending the Student Program from your company.

    Registration categories

    • ME (Mentor): People who will be participating in only the Executive Mentor Experience on Saturday, January 13 from 8:15am – 11:00am. Please refer to your sponsorship agreement for your number of mentors.
    • SPK (Speaker): People who are speaking at the event on the main stage or in the tech/supply chain breakouts.
    • STSP (Recruiting Team): Recruiters who will be attending the event.
    • COMP (Complimentary Big Show Pass) – RCCs and Gold only: this category is for the person who will receive the complimentary full conference registration to NRF 2025: Retail’s Big Show per your sponsorship. Please note that speakers are also automatically registered for the Big Show as a thank you for their participation.
    • G (Guest): these individuals are anyone else you are bringing along to the event who doesn’t fall into the categories above.

    Note: NRF Foundation will register all speakers, mentors and your teams.
    Email Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta

    Sponsor Registration Form

    EME Submission

    Please include EME mentors in your registration forms. If you confirm additional participants after submitting your registration form please email this deliverable to Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta.

    Email Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta

    Recruiter Networking Reception

    Please indicate who from your company plans to attend the Recruiter Networking Reception in your registration form on Airtable

Sponsor Deliverables and Deadlines

November 4

Tours & Talks – RCC ONLY

Please submit your event details (sign-up link, capacity, specific audience details, location)

Submit details here

November 18

Main on site POC

All companies submit their on-site main POC for shipping purposes at the Career Fair (name, title, email, phone number)

Submit details here

Career Fair table locations and electrical

Submit top 5 career fair table locations and electrical needs

Submit details here

See map

Submit job opportunities

Get Hired – RCC and GOLD ONLY

Submit number of interview tables needed (check sponsorship agreement for details)

Submit details here

December 9


Please send the completed sponsor registration form via email to Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta. This will include speakers, complimentary pass assignment for Big Show (RCC and Gold only), Executive Mentor Experience mentors, and anyone else attending the Student Program from your company.

Note: NRF Foundation will register all speakers, mentors and your teams.
Email Samantha Lamanna or Lauren Casetta

Sponsor Registration Form

EME Submission

Please include EME mentors in your registration forms. If you confirm additional participants after submitting your registration form please email Samantha LaManna and Lauren Casetta.

Email Samantha Lamanna or Lauren Casetta

Recruiter Networking Reception

Please indicate in your registration form who plans to attend the Recruiter Networking Reception

Sponsor Benefits

NRF Foundation New York: Student Program Retail Career Champions
Representatives 12 8 6 4
Executive Mentor
Experience Mentors
6 4 2  
Get Hired Spaces 6 4    
Full Conference Registration to NRF 2025: Retail's Big Show 1 1    
Career Fair Table Premier Placement Premier Placement
Access to Resumes One week prior,
one-time use post        
Job Opportunities
On Website
Premier Placement